However, in general meetings are the second friday of the Month at 6PM.  Starts with a potluck dinner, bring your favorite dish to pass.  The business meeting will start at 6:45.

Bridgton Easy Riders Snowmobile Club was named Snowmobile Club of the Year 2023 by the Maine Snowmobile Association. Club Correspondent, Bill Preis accepted the award at the Annual MSA Directors Meeting in Brewer, Maine on Saturday April 29th.  288 Clubs were considered for this honor.

The Bridgton Easy Riders was also recognized for being the 8th largest Snowmobile Club in the State of Maine, with 167 Members. The Club has doubled its membership in the past 5 years.  Bridgton Easy Riders also sold the 2nd largest number of annual Super Raffle Tickets in the State, helping to raise money for snowmobiling around Maine.

The honor of being chosen Snowmobile Club of the Year is especially meaningful as the Bridgton Easy Riders celebrates its 50-year anniversary.  

There have been many changes since the Club started. Back then, trails were groomed by dragging metal bed springs behind snowmobiles, but today the Bridgton Easy Riders owns a fleet of 3 Tucker Groomers with heavy-duty hydraulic drags that can lay down a white carpet of snow at least 8 feet wide. 

The Club also produces the Lakes Region Snowmobile 500-mile Trail Map, which includes the 9 surrounding towns. The Club had two successful snowmobile trips, this year, to Millinocket in February and Caribou in March.

All Club work, including trail maintenance, signing, and grooming, is done by hard working volunteers. The building and maintaining of a trail system is expensive, paid for by memberships, fundraisers, and grants.

We want to thank the Town of Bridgton, the snowmobiling community, and the members of The Bridgton Easy Riders for their tremendous support.  The Bridgton Easy Rivers is an active, growing, hard-working, fun-loving Club that likes to ride.

Bridgton Easy Riders meets the 2nd Friday of each month from September through April, at Bridgton Community Center. The Fabulous Pot Luck Supper at 6PM is followed by the business meeting at 6:45 PM.  Information, videos and photos of many past Club activities can be found on the Bridgton Easy Riders Facebook page below. We hope to see you there.

Club president:

New club maps are now available for $5.

Please send money to Bridgton Easy Riders PO Box 564 Bridgton

Please visit and like us on Facebook or use our Contact Us page to send any information you’d like to see posted.